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Passing the Arkansas Adult Use Cannabis Amendment will provide benefits to Arkansans all across our state.

Hospital Funding & Healthcare Research


Grants additional funding to Arkansas hospitals, including U.A.M.S., and provides critical resources for medical services in underserved and rural areas.



Supports law enforcement salaries and bolsters local police budgets so that our officers can go after serious crime.

Drug Courts

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Supports the operation of Arkansas Drug Courts, which focus on reducing repeat offenses and substance abuse among nonviolent substance abusing offenders.

Cut Taxes on Medical Cannabis


Improves the Arkansas’ existing medical marijuana program by removing burdensome taxes that are currently being paid by qualified patients receiving medical treatment.

Keep Our
Children Safe


 Limits the number of licensees to grow and sell cannabis to a total of 20 cultivators and 120 dispensaries statewide, including existing medical licensees. These limited licenses will help law enforcement keep cannabis out of the hands of minors and off the black market.

Economic Development &
Job Creation

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Our state's successful medical marijuana program has already brought in well over $400 million in sales, including $1.25 million a day in 2020 alone. These funds are helping state and local economic development efforts across the state.

Paid for by Responsible Growth Arkansas
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